I found a way around this, though I still have no clue why this works:

In my controller, if I add:

def show

The before filter DOES NOT run, as I expect, as soon as I remove the
def show;end the filter is once again applied to the #show action. Is
this a Rails3 bug?


On May 27, 3:27 pm, John Postlethwait <john.postlethw...@gmail.com>
> This is apparently not related to Shoulda... This test also fails
> using Test::Unit by itself:
>   test 'A guest on GET to #show' do
>     get :show, { :id => users(:alexander).id }
>     assert flash.empty?
>     assert_not_nil assigns(:user)
>     assert_response :success
>   end
> Failure:
>  1) Failure:
>   test_A_guest_on_GET_to_#show(UsersControllerTest) [test/functional/
> users_controller_test.rb:44]:
>   <false> is not true.
> Line 44 is the flash being empty, it is, once again set to:
> {:error=>"Sorry! You need to log in before visiting that page."}
> Am I missing something obvious? Why is this filter always running? Is
> this related to Rails3?
> Thanks in advance.
> -John Postlethwait
> On May 27, 1:07 pm, John Postlethwait <john.postlethw...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I'm using Shoulda and restful_authentication on Rails3 and whenever I
> > run my tests a before filter for login_required is always triggered,
> > despite my filter being set up as:
> >   before_filter :login_required, :only =>
> > [:update, :edit, :suspend, :unsuspend, :destroy, :purge]
> > My test is this:
> >   context 'A guest to the site' do
> >     context 'on GET to :show' do
> >       setup { get :show, { :id => users(:alexander).id } }
> >       should_not_set_the_flash
> >       should_assign_to :user
> >       should_respond_with :success
> >     end
> >   end
> > The test fails though:
> >   3) Failure:
> >   test: A guest to the site on GET to :show should assign @user.
> > (UsersControllerTest)
> >     []:
> >   Expected action to assign a value for @user
> >   4) Failure:
> >   test: A guest to the site on GET to :show should not set the flash.
> > (UsersControllerTest)
> >     []:
> >   Did not expect the flash to be set, but was {:error=>"Sorry! You
> > need to log in before visiting that page."}
> >   5) Failure:
> >   test: A guest to the site on GET to :show should respond with
> > success. (UsersControllerTest)
> >     []:
> >   Expected response to be a 200, but was 302
> > Here is the code for my before_filter that is actually making this
> > test fail:
> >   def login_required
> >     authorized? || access_denied
> >   end
> >   def access_denied
> >     session[:return_to] = request.fullpath
> >     flash[:error] = t('application.flash.error.login_required')
> >     redirect_to(new_sessions_path)
> >   end
> > This code, as far as my understanding goes, should NOT ever be called
> > from this test though... I have the :only => [] in the controller to
> > not do it on show. Can anyone lend any insight as to why it is being
> > triggered? Another strange thing is this DOES NOT happen in production
> > or development modes using the browser. I can be logged out and visit
> > this page just fine without this before_filter being called.

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