Steve Ross wrote:
> Ahmet Kilic wrote:
>>>      DocumentRoot /var/www/site/public
>>> </VirtualHost>
>>> and its running fine in development.
>>> Check /log dir, and look for development.log file,.
>> it is Ok for me also.
>> But why it is not working with RailsEnv production???
>> Is it not a bit strange!?:(
> So, if I understand correctly, the exact stuff from httpd.conf that
> you've shown above works, but it fails if you change to RailsEnv 
> production?
> Have you looked at your Apache error_log and/or
> /path/to/app/log/production.log? Maybe there's a clue there. It seems an
> exception is being raised and you are seeing the default error page. If
> that's the case, then there should be a log entry.

nothing different than others people logs.
That reason I told it is a bit strange.
and What is the difference between development and production env.?
If I can find it I can solve my problem.
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