Hi there,

I can't seem to get form_for to work correctly with the URL I'm providing for a 
set of nested resources.  Here's what I'm doing in routes.rb:

  resources :threads do
    resources :messages

And then I've got the following form that I'm building as part of 
/threads/1/messages/1/edit.  Both @thread and @message are set by the controller

<%= form_for @thread, :as => :thread, :url => thread_messages_path(@thread, 
@message) do |f| %>
        <%= fields_for :message do |m| %>
        <% end %>
        <%= submit_tag "Update Message" %>
<% end %>

This is producing the following HTML:

<form action="/threads/1/messages.1" class="thread_edit" id="thread_edit" 
method="post"><div style="margin:0;padding:0;display:inline"><input 
name="_method" type="hidden" value="put" />

Notice that while the HTTP method is correctly PUT, the form action ends in .1 
instead of /1, which is confusing the router.

Curiously, the 'new' case seems to be getting properly constructed, though I 
had to manually specify the :method to properly generate the URL:

<%= form_for @thread, :as => :thread, :url => thread_messages_path, :html => 
{:method => :post} do |f| %>
        <%= fields_for :message do |m| %>
        <% end %>
        <%= submit_tag "Create Reply" %>
<% end %>

Am I doing something obviously wrong or is this a deficiency in the path 
convenience methods?  Note that I am using ":as =>" all over the place because 
the name of my model object (which is actually "Axthread") does not cleanly map 
to a named route, and using "thread" as a model name is not an option.


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