I'm using Cancan, which works really well and is pretty cleanly
implemented. Check out Ryan Bates Railscast here

The urls you have up there end in .html, which doesn't really happen
all that often in rails. With routes, what you're more likely going to
have is:

...where ### is the user_id (or whatever). This goes to the show
action for user ###. If the user_id matches the current_user or if
current_user is an admin, they get to access to that model. If not,
they'll get redirected. Furthermore, if current_user is an admin, they
would also get access to:

...which goes to the index action to list all of the users. Other (non-
admin) users will get a nasty flash message and redirected elsewhere.

Hope I'm answering the right question. :)


On Jun 2, 7:16 pm, Fearless Fool <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> In an app where ordinary users are limited to viewing and editing their
> own "stuff", but someone with admin privs can view and edit anybody's
> stuff, what's the right strategy for routing?
> At first blush, I'd think that an ordinary user (e.g. with id 565)
> should see something like:
>  http://example.com/mystuff.html
> ... where the controller assumes @current_user has been established by
> authlogic or whatnot.  But if you're logged in as an admin, you could
> get at that same user's stuff via:
>  http://example.com/users/565/mystuff.html
> and you could list and administer all the users via:
>  http://example.com/users
> Does this sound like the right approach?  If so, what are the patterns
> for the routes and controllers?  If not, what's the accepted DRY,
> RESTful approach?
> t.i.a.
> - ff
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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