On Jun 3, 4:37 am, Japmsn Japms <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> okay lol forget about the "nil" problem I mentioned at the end, that was
> because out of the huge list of words there were a few that started with
> a symbol other than a kanji so just doing:
> "k.id unless k.nil?" did the trick
> so I'm going to change my question to... is there another(simpler) way
> to do this? right now my helper looks like crap, I mean... like this:
> *************************************
>   def word_to_links(word)
>     parts, o = [], ""
>     (word.size/3).times{ |i| parts << word[i*3,3] }

I wouldn't rely on some or most kanjis being exactly 3 bytes in utf8 -
use the multibyte chars stuff in activesupport


>     parts.each do |part|
>       k = Kanji.find(:first, :conditions => "kanjis.kanji = '#{part}'")
>       o << (k.nil? ? part : link_to(part, "/kanjis/#{k.id}"))
>     end
>     o
>   end
> *************************************
> Thanks.
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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