On Jun 3, 8:22 pm, Marnen Laibow-Koser <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Ginty wrote:
> > Just to say that on the private git server for a 1 man band, you can't
> > do much better than get yourself a free dropbox account, stick your
> > repository on it and then clone it to a local folder.
> > That's you backed up off site and you can access your 'sever' from all
> > your computers.
> Clever.  Or just put it on your Web server.

Yep, in fact I have often wondered what I am missing wrt Gitosis or a
paid Github account for that matter.

Even for a multi-man team what do they give you that just sticking
your master repository on your private server doesn't?

> Best,
> --
> Marnen Laibow-Koserhttp://www.marnen.org
> mar...@marnen.org
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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