On Jul 8, 9:43 am, Colin Law <clan...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On 8 July 2010 06:16, sigma <christoph.thom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi
> > Ok, sessions seems  to be right, but not what I'm looking for :-)
> > This parameter is not static, it is dynamic. the whole thing is for a
> > CMS where the ":site-id" tells where the user stands in the navigation
> > and what's the site title,... So it would be much better to pass this
> > by url.
> I would suggest that if you are using it for context information
> (where the user is now) then the session is exactly the right place to
> put it.  Just update the session each time the value changes.  A URL
> is for indicating what to do next, not passing where you are at the
> moment.
> By the way it is generally preferred not to top post on this list, it
> is easier to follow a thread if you insert your comments inline in the
> previous message.  Thanks.
> Colin

I think you didn't understand what I mean...
Every Controller is something like a module in this cms. so you can
put such a module on different places on the website.

so you have a navigation, which points to a module (contoller) and a
certain place, where this module is placed within the navigation.
In this case the URL should also contain the site-id (navigation-id)
in order to find out which content of the module is part of this
navigation item. So you can't pass this via session.

For example:
we habe a news-module which is placed on the home page (site_id = 1)
and under "about > blog" (site_id = 99).
so the url would look like this:
www.example.com/1/news for the home page and www.example.com/99/news
for the "about > blog" page.

and this you can't pass by session.


> > sigma
> > On 7 Jul., 22:44, Marnen Laibow-Koser <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> >> [Please quote when replying.]
> >> Christoph Thommen wrote:
> >> > Hi
> >> > thanks, but this is not really what i'm looking for.
> >> > I looking for a solution to (re-)pass a given parameter to all rails
> >> > generated links.
> >> And why won't a session variable do the trick?  It seems to me that
> >> Colin is right.
> >> You *could* override some of the UrlWriter functions, but you really,
> >> really want a session variable, unless there's something I don't
> >> understand here.
> >> > sigma
> >> Best,
> >> --
> >> Marnen Laibow-Koserhttp://www.marnen.org
> >> mar...@marnen.org
> >> --
> >> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> > --
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