I'll answer my own question:

        <%= select_month @person.born,:prefix => :person ,:field_name
=> "born(2i)" %>
        <%= select_day @person.born,:prefix => :person , :field_name
=> "born(3i)" %>
        <%= text_field_tag "person[born(1i)]", value =
@person.born.year,:size => 4 %>

On Jul 26, 9:23 am, AppleII717 <sa...@mac.com> wrote:
> I have a date where the year range is more then I want to define in a
> select_date scaffold generated year range.
> My idea was to have the year entered as a text field and the month and
> day using something like:
>   <%= select_month @person.born,:prefix => :person ,:field_name =>
> "born(2i)" %>
>   <%= select_day @person.born,:prefix => :person , :field_name =>
> "born(3i)" %>
>   <%= f.text_field ?????? or text_field_tag ???????? field_name =>
> "born(1i)" %>
> I just can't seem to find the set of options to build the year tag.
> Guess I also would have to extract the year out of the date for the
> value.
> Can't seem to find any examples and looking for help.

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