Hassan Schroeder wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 11:14 PM, mikertjones <mike.jo...@zesti.com> 
> wrote:
>> However - massive snag! My hosting company, 1&1, does not support
>> development with the RoR framework. Thier message to me was:
>> 'At the moment we support the regular Ruby framework but not the Ruby
>> on Rails'
> Ruby is a language, not a "framework". The statement above would be
> enough to send me off looking for a new hosting company.

Agreed; that's just completely clueless tech support.  As if there 
weren't already lots of reasons to abandon 1&1...

>> My question is this:
>> Can I use Ruby on Rails as a local development framework and then
>> deploy the product of that work to my hosting server which supports
>> only Ruby?
> No.

Well, maybe.  It depends on the the details of the hosts' Ruby 
installation.  But it probably won't be easy.

>> In other words does the output from an RoR development
>> require RoR on the production server?
> Yes.

Right.  It's not "output" in the conventional sense: since Ruby is 
interpreted, you need the interpreter there on the server, just like 
what you're used to with PHP.

The one exception would be if 1&1 supports Java.  You could compile your 
Rails app and the JRuby interpreter into a stand-alone Java servlet...

>> If the answer is yes - RoR is required on the production server - then
>> I will either abandon RoR as a dev framework or find a new hosting
>> provider.

As a former PHP developer myself, I'd say to find new hosting.  Rails is 
*amazing*.  For hosting, I recommend Heroku or Slicehost.

> Good luck with your decision :-)
> --
> Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
> twitter: @hassan


Marnen Laibow-Koser

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