Very nice! It works on my Mac 10.6, Ruby 1.9.1 via RVM, Rails 2.3.8.
I had to install a couple of the required gems.  Do you have it on

D :)

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 3:54 AM, Edmond Kachale
<> wrote:
> Third Replicator,
> If you are using some Linux system then you are safe. I use Ubuntu myself. I
> was tied of rewriting everything I put on the console too. So I with some
> little effort and help from friends, I made a small hack. Now, I have a
> simple script that helps me keep track of command-line history for both irb
> and script/console.
> Follow the steps below:
> create .irbrc file in your home directory :
> ceek...@kanjedza:~$ touch .irbrc
> open .irbrc using your preferred text editor (I prefer command-line based
> ones: vi, vim, gvim), add the following lines and save:
> # This script saves and retrieves up to 600 lines of
> # command-line history in both irb and script/console
> # of a Rails's project. (UP and DOWN ARROW keys to navigate)
> # In addition, it supports auto-completion.(Use the
> # TAB key to get auto-complete suggestions).
> #
> # :SAVE_HISTORY keeps the maximum number of lines to be saved
> # customize this to suite the amount of history would
> # like to retrieve
> #
> # :HISTORY_FILE keeps the file name where the
> # history is kept. In this case it is saved in the
> # home directory of the current user
> # i.e in the same directory where as this .irbrc file
> ARGV.concat [ "--readline", "--prompt-mode", "simple" ]
> require 'irb/completion'
> require 'irb/ext/save-history'
> require 'rubygems'
> require 'map_by_method'
> require 'wirble'
> require 'pp'
> IRB.conf[:AUTO_INDENT]= true
> IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] = 600
> IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE] = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.irb-save-history"
> Wirble.init
> Wirble.colorize
> Once you have this, you will be able to retrieve script/console's
> command-line history up to 600 lines. Please inform me if doesn't work. I
> would be very happy to get as much input as possible.
> I think Sprite will also find this useful.
> P/S: I am not sure if I have violated the forum rules by adding an
> attachment. If so, forgive me and inform me how best I can send files
> through.
> Regards,
> ---
> Edmond
> Software Developer | Baobab Health Trust ( |
> Malawi
> Cell:  +265 999 465 137 | +265 881 234 717
> "Many people doubt open source software and probably don’t realize that
> there is an alternative… which is just as good.." -- Kevin Scannell
> On 11 August 2010 11:49, Third Replicator <> wrote:
>> When you quit script/console you lose your command history.  What
>> would it take to get get that command history to persist?  I wouldn't
>> mind working on it if somebody had a good suggestion as to how to
>> achieve that and if it was an acceptable solution to the core team.
>> Cheers,
>> D :)
>> --
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