Figured out why my ActiveModel was not displaying..

<% f.fields_for :credit_card do |cc_fields| %>

needs to be

<%= f.fields_for :credit_card do |cc_fields| %>

I have another nested element on this page that is an ActiveRecord.
That one gives a deprecation warning.  For some reason the fields_for
that takes an ActiveModel gives no warning.  It just doesn't work.

Anyone know a built in way to handle date_select parameters from

just FYI..  here is part of my view.  (addresses is an ActiveRecord
and credit_card is an ActiveModel)

        <% f.fields_for :credit_card do |cc_fields| %>
          <%= render :partial => "cc_fields", :locals => { :cc_fields
=> cc_fields} %>
        <% end %>
        <% f.fields_for :addresses do |address_fields| %>
          <%= render :partial => "address_fields", :locals =>
{ :address_fields => address_fields, :use_org => true } %>
        <% end %>

It doesn't matter what order these are in the address form will always
display and the credit_card will not (unless i use <%=)

On Aug 13, 1:16 pm, Tony <> wrote:
> When submitting billing information in the past I've always used
> attr_accessor for credit card details as they should not be saved in
> the database.   In addition I always end up storing the card
> expiration date so that the date form helper works correctly.
> With Active Model it seems logical to create a CreditCard class to
> hold this data instead.
> **1st issue.**
> It seems there still isn't support for handling the form date_select.
> (the card_expires_on(*) parameters).  Should this work?  Perhaps I'm
> just missing an ActiveModel module
> **2nd issue.**
> In a perfect world this CreditCard class would be on the same form as
> an ActiveRecord Order class but I have not been able to get an
> ActiveModel to work as a nested object on a form.
> something like this..  on the order new form
> <%= form_for @order do |f| -%>
> . order stuff here....
>        <% f.fields_for :credit_card do |cc_fields| %>
>          <%= cc_fields.label :card_number, '*Number' %>
>          <%= cc_fields.text_field :card_number, :class =>
> 'text', :autocomplete => 'off' %>
>         <% end %>
> I have not found what magic I need to add to the order model to make
> this work.
> The <% f.fields_for :credit_card do |cc_fields| %> block is never
> executed
> if credit card was an ActiveRecord I would simply put
> has_one :credit_card
> accepts_nested_attributes_for :credit_card
> instead I added a
> attr_accessor :credit_card to the Order ActiveRecord class
> and my credit_card class looks like this....
>     class CreditCard
>       include ActiveModel::Validations
>       include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
>       include ActiveModel::Callbacks
>       include ActiveModel::Conversion
>       extend ActiveModel::Naming
>       #  belongs_to :user
> attr_accessor :card_type, :card_number, :card_verification, :card_expires_on, 
> :agree
> validates :card_type, :card_number, :card_verification, :card_expires_on, 
> :agree, :presence
> => true
>       def initialize(attributes = {})
>         expire_date = {}
>         #raise attributes.inspect
>         attributes.each do |name, value|
>             send("#{name}=", value)
>             #this breaks on date items from date_select
>         end
>       end
>       def persisted?
>         false
>       end
>     end
> Any idea what I am missing?

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