You should probably add more information.  like the routes for entries
and what exactly is calling /images/test.png.

On Aug 13, 6:17 pm, "Ruby on Rails: Talk" <>
> Hi
> WOW! Is Rails 3 another interesting learning curve. Just when I think
> I have a general working knowledge of Rails 2 ... things change.
> I'm trying to replicate the following in Rails 3:
> <%= link_to_remote image_tag("creditcard.png", :border => 0), :url =>
> {:action => :make_payment, :type => "Credit", :id =>
> }, :with=>"'amount='+$F('amount')", :complete =>
> remote_function( :url => { :action => :load_appt, :id => })
> %>
> Obviously, when I click a link, I want some action and controller to
> trigger and something to happen to the page that the link is part of.
> I've watched what feels like EVERY railscast on the internet and read
> every Rails 3 tutorial out there. I've got a basic understand of UJS
> and see the benefits etc ... but all I want to do is click a link,
> some controller action trigger, a render :update do |page| call to
> trigger and then I'll be happy!!
> But no luck so far ...
> So ... with the following line:
> <%= link_to "Add Photos", entries_path, {:controller
> => :entries, :action => :showphotos, :remote => true} %>
> I get the following error:
> Started GET "/entries" for at Fri Aug 13 23:13:18 +0100 2010
>   Processing by EntriesController#index as JS
> Rendered entries/index.js.erb (0.2ms)
> Completed 200 OK in 15ms (Views: 15.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
> Started GET "/images/test.png" for at Fri Aug 13 23:13:18
> +0100 2010
> ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/images/test.png"):
> Rendered /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-3.0.0.rc/lib/
> action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/routing_error.erb within
> rescues/layout (0.6ms)
> It's calling a GET to /entries and only calling some JS I have in
> index.js ...
> Not calling the showphotos action.
> This is really holding me back now as I can't for the life of me find
> a solution or something which makes sense.
> Any ideas please from knowledgeable Rails 3 gurus?
> Cheers
> Darrne

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