Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
> Philip Hallstrom wrote:
>>>> Thanks a million for your reply.  I will give that a go. I had seen that 
>>>> that is possible but I was a bit worried that it would mean that my 
>>>> migrations wouldn't be database agnostic
>>> Is there a reason that you're not using VARCHAR?  That should hold the 
>>> data (in less space, I believe!) and keep your migrations DB-agnostic.
>> Doesn't mysql limit varchar to 65kb or so?
> Quite right.  I was looking for size limits on VARCHAR and somehow 
> missed that.  Thanks!
> Best,
> --
> Marnen Laibow-Koser

Thanks a million for all the suggestions. I'll go with using longtext 
for now and look into moving over to a solution that stores the files on 
s3 in the near future.

This was a my first post to forum and I am really appreciate all the 
help that I got, thanks
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