you should share some code here, there could be many reasons for that

On Aug 23, 4:21 am, Tim Uckun <> wrote:
> Hey all.
> I have two apps. One is a rails3 app and the other is a rails 2 app.
> Using proxying I am routing actions in the to the rails2
> app.
> It almost works! I can set a session variable and a cookie variable on
> the first app ( and then read them on the second app
> (
> It only works the first time though. If I go back to and
> then revisit the rails2 application crashes with the
> error NameError (uninitialized constant
> ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess):
> This error is raised when any attempt to access the session variable is made.
> I first thought it was because rails3 set a session['session_id'] and
> rails2 set a session[:session_id] so wrote some code to delete
> session['session_id'] but that didn't solve the problem.
> The setup is pretty straightforward. They both use cookie sessions
> (for now). They both have the same key, secret and domain. nginex does
> the proxying.
> So what is going on here? Any clues? Why does it work the first time
> but crash if you hit the back button and the forward button?

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