On 28 August 2010 12:23, Zack Nathan <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Colin Law wrote:
>> On 28 August 2010 10:44, Zack Nathan <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
>>>> Colin
>>> Its ok, I worked it out late last night, thanks though! But how would I
>>> put the display name and then the ids into a collection for a
>>> collection_select menu. Im stuck on this because I only know how to put
>>> data into a one dimensional array in ruby at the moment.
>> You need to be more exlicit about exactly what the problem is.  I
>> presume you have looked at collection_select docs and googled for
>> examples and have understood those (if you don't understand the
>> examples then persevere until you do).  Find an example that is close
>> to what you want and try and modify it for your requirement.  If you
>> cannot work out exactly what to do then post the best guess that you
>> have for the code and explain what is going wrong.  If your problem is
>> a basic Ruby issue then study a good book on Ruby.  The Pickaxe book
>> is generally considered the one to get I think.  Also you must know
>> what html you are trying to generate, if you do not know that then
>> study up on html.
>> Colin
> Thanks. Yeah i need a collection_select (a drop down menu in html) that
> will have the serving name as the name and also as the value. Now I dont
> know how I would do this in ruby, but I know how I would do this in
> other languages. That is my question.

So have you looked at the docs and googled for examples of
collection_select and made sure you  understand them, as I suggested?


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