rspec-2.0.0.beta.22 has been released!

We're getting very close to a 2.0 release candidate, so if you're not already 
using rspec-2 (with or without rails-3), now is the time to start. I need your 
feedback, so from here on in I'll be sending out announcements and release 
notes for each beta release.

As for rspec-2 with rails-2, there are a few efforts underway to make that 
work, but that will be in the form of a separate gem and our priority is 
getting rspec-2 out the door.

Please report issues or submit pull requests (yes, pull requests are fine now 
that github has integrated them so well with issues) to the appropriate repos:

Below are release notes for each gem in this beta release, drawn from the 
nascent files in each project.

Thanks, and enjoy!
David and the RSpec Development Team

rspec-core-2.0.0.beta.22 / 2010-09-12

full changelog:

        • Enhancements
                • removed at_exit hook
                • CTRL-C stops the run (almost) immediately
                        • first it cleans things up by running the appropriate 
after(:all) and after(:suite) hooks
                        • then it reports on any examples that have already run
                • cleaned up rake task
                        • generate correct task under variety of conditions
                        • options are more consistent
                        • deprecated redundant options
                • run 'bundle exec autotest' when Gemfile is present
                • support ERB in .rspec options files (Justin Ko)
                • depend on bundler for development tasks (Myron Marsten)
                • add example_group_finished to formatters and reporter (Roman 

        • Bug fixes
                • support paths with spaces when using autotest (Andreas 
                • fix module_exec with ruby 1.8.6 (Myron Marsten)
                • remove context method from top-level
                        • was conflicting with irb, for example
                • errors in before(:all) are now reported correctly (Chad 

        • Removals
                • removed -o --options-file command line option
                        • use ./.rspec and ~/.rspec
rspec-expectations-2.0.0.beta.22 / 2010-09-12

full changelog:

        • Enhancements
                • diffing improvements
                        • diff multiline strings
                        • don't diff single line strings
                        • don't diff numbers (silly)
                        • diff regexp + multiline string

        • Bug fixes
                • should[_not] change now handles boolean values correctly
rspec-mocks-2.0.0.beta.22 / 2010-09-12

full changelog:

        • Bug fixes
                • fixed regression that broke obj.stub_chain(:a, :b => :c)
                • fixed regression that broke obj.stub_chain(:a, :b) { :c }
                • respond_to? always returns true when using as_null_object
2.0.0.beta.22 / 2010-09-12

full changelog:

        • Enhancements
                • autotest mapping improvements (Andreas Neuhaus)

        • Bug fixes
                • delegate flunk to assertion delegate

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