David Kahn wrote:
>> That does look rather terse -- but notice that all your steps are
>> showing up as skipped.  I'd say you've got a configuration issue.  Check
>> your cucumber setup.
> So it was a configuration error, having to do with my discovery that the
> config/environment/cucumber.rb environment which was missing some app
> specific constants, which in turn was causing my loading of fixtures to 
> fail
> (albeit unreported).
> Now another issue: I have my test::unit fixtures loading and confirmed 
> (this
> is a legacy app). However they can not seem to be accessed from the 
> code.

Good.  You shouldn't be using fixtures in Cucumber -- or indeed at all. 
The feature, as implemented in Rails, is broken and should be avoided at 
all costs.

Use factories instead (either Machinist or Factory Girl will work).  For 
integration of factories and Cucumber, Pickle works well.

> I hope this is not as disgusting as I am making it... am I fighting the
> universe (or in this case Cucumber::Rails::World) on this?
> Given /^I am logged in as a sysadmin user$/ do
>   user = users(:sysadmin_user_one)
>   visit('/login')
>   fill_in('login', user.login)
>   fill_in('password', 'password1')
>   click_button('Log in')
>   I should see 'Welcome Sysadmin One'
> end

That step looks good, except for the use of fixtures.

> Thanks,
> David

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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