Devise is very powerful, but I am struggling to get it to do what I want
- I'm very new to rails so please forgive any stupidity in the below.

I followed the instructions on:

-- because I don't want users to have to enter their current password
every time they edit their user info (I store much more than just
email/login details in the user object.

and also:

I got it working by doing two additional things, first in routes.rb:

devise_for :users, :controllers => { :registrations => "registrations" }

and secondly, after adding the above, I had to copy my
devise/registrations views out to just views/registrations.

But now, on sign_up I get a NoMethod error:

Started GET "/users/sign_up" for at Sat Sep 18 16:20:51 -0700
Processing by RegistrationsController#new as HTML Completed in 49ms

NoMethodError (undefined method new_with_session' for
app/controllers/registrations_controller.rb:8:in `new'

Any ideas? Thank you very much.
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