Never tried it, but I am thinking your first option should work if you
sanitize the whole '<br />'. As you posted it, it might be getting
processed and made useless by Rails. Have you checked the source to
see what was the HTML output?

On Sep 21, 2:57 am, Jim Burgess <> wrote:
> Is it possible to add a line break to the middle of a custom error
> message?
> I have tried:
> errors.add(:thesis, "This field is too long." + "<br />" + "You are
> using #{field.length} characters out of a permitted #{permitted}.")
> errors.add(:thesis, "This field is too long." + "\n" + "You are using
> #{field.length} characters out of a permitted #{permitted}.")
> And all other possible combinations of the above that I could think of,
> but nothing works.
> Any help greatly appreciated.
> --
> Posted via

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