Jim Burgess wrote:
> Hi,
> If I want to ensure that someone has filled out the email section of a
> form I can write this in my model:
> validates_presence_of :email
> I can also achieve (more or less) the same thing by writing:
> validate do |applicant|
>   applicant.validate_presence("email")
> end
> def validate_presence(arg)
>   string = "errors.add(:#{arg}, \"can't be blank\") if #{arg} == \"\""
>   eval(string)
> end

Here's the eval-less version:

def validate_presence(arg)
  errors.add arg.to_sym, "can't be blank" if self.send(arg).blank?

Of course, since this is ActiveRecord, you could use self[arg] instead 
of self.send(arg) in most cases, but it's not quite equivalent. (I also 
took the liberty of using blank? .)

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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