Sorry for lack of a code example but I think in this case I cna just
explain the issue and a lightbulb might go off with someone as to what
is happening.

I needed to allow my users to construct a nicely formatted piece of text
that I'd render as HTML without having them to learn HTML. Didn't need a
fancy GUI so I'm using redcloth/textile, the user enters h2. foo and
gets a heading2. Works great bar one major problemo / glitch!

When the form is submitted (formtastic) the description field is set
fine, text type. In order for the piece to start with a heading 2, the
user would have to type.

h2. foo

It works if I keep trying but often the first blank line is getting
stripped out (result being that it renders as "h2. foo" rather than a
proper HTML heading2 tag.

What's doing this? How to fix?
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