Hi Marnen,

> > My question is, how can I start one "ruby server" and use one config
> > for multiple sub-websites?
> You normally wouldn't want to, if they're completely separate Rails
> apps.  If they don't share data or anything, they should be independent
> Rails applications running on separate interpreter instances.

I am working for university and there are nearly a hundred of sub-
websites under my host.
Running ruby server instances and maintaining config files of that
amount may not be feasible for me.

Actually, we are currently using ColdFusion which has a admin console
to handle the application server settings.
I want to keep the practice as similar as possible.

> Server modules like Passenger make this sort of thing very easy to set
> up...but you're using IIS (why?!?), and Passenger doesn't run on IIS.

Oh, yeah!  Phusion Passenger is useful.  I've heard of it.

But (very) unfortunately, our server config is Windows-base, using IIS
as web server, and database is MS-SQL...
It seems to be quite a tough job to introduce RoR to my workplace
under this environment.
I have to make it!


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