Hmmm, now that I think about it. Yes, you are right...

On the side. Marnen, would you keep this schema as is, or would you
modify it, in any way? Perhaps, as I was suggesting about having the
User model as an STI? Or even polymorphic? What are your thoughts?

On Oct 7, 4:33 am, Marnen Laibow-Koser <> wrote:
> Christian Fazzini wrote:
> > Ok, Ive got the following models:User, Artist and Video
> > User is 1:1 with Artist (A user can register to be an artist)
> > Artist is 1:M with Video (An artist can have one or many videos)
> > Note that, before any user can register as an artist. He/she must
> > already have an account with the system. i.e. He must be a registered
> > user first. Hence the 1:1 relationship with User and Artist.
> > Here is the problem, when an artist tries to upload a video:
> >   def create
> >     @video =[:video])
> >     @video.artist = current_user.artist
> > -------------------------
> > For this particular user:
> > In the User model, he has id => 29
> > In the Artist model, he has id => 1, user_id => 29 (user_id being the
> > foreign key)
> > This means, when the video record is saved to the db. It is saved as:
> > id => 1, artist_id => 1 (instead of 29), title => 'foobar', etc
> > How can such be fixed?
> There's nothing to fix.  artist_id is giving the ID of the artist
> record, not the user record.  This is exactly what you've asked Rails to
> do.
> > Should I remodel my schema? I was thinking of
> > just having one User model and have this as an STI. Member (Registered
> > users) and Artist models would inherit from the User model.
> That might work, or just have a role field in your User model, and only
> role "artist" can upload videos.
> Or get rid of the distinction altogether, and do something like
> class User
>   def artist?
>     self.videos.size > 0
>   end
> end
> > What is a better approach to fixing this?
> I don't think it's broken.
> Best,
> --
> Marnen Laibow-Koser
> --
> Posted via

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