
for some reason my WEBrick server became extremely slow. My development
server is running on a Debian system.

After some days of test writing only I started the server to do some
manual testing and it took 86 seconds(!) to load the page. I was
checking everything but couldn't find anything so I emptied the layout
html, removed all before_filters etc. so there was literally nothing to
do for the server. Took still 31 seconds to load the page. So I added
the index.html back to the public folder to see if that ones taking so
long to load as well. Yes, took 21 seconds to load an empty index.html.
So I would say it doesn't have much to do with my application?

Does anyone know how to sort out that kind of problem?

Here's the server output:
Application, nothing changed: Completed 200 OK in 2121ms (Views:
1134.9ms | ActiveRecord: 108.2ms) - IN TOTAL: 86 seconds
Application, empty layout html, no before_filters: Completed 200 OK in
372ms (Views: 370.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) - IN TOTAL: 31 seconds
index.html - IN TOTAL: 21 seconds.

Thank you
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