By the way. I am using Devise, if that even matters

On Oct 12, 8:41 pm, Christian Fazzini <>
> What am I doing wrong here? I am using cancan on Rails 3. In my
> Ability class, I've got:
> class Ability
>   include CanCan::Ability
>   def initialize(user)
>     user ||= # guest user, for users who are not registered
> or don't have an account yet
>     if user.role? :admin
>       can :manage, :all
>     elsif user.role? :artist
>       can :read, [Artist, Painting, Video]
>       can :manage, Video do |video|
>         video.try(:user) == user
>       end
>     else
>       can :create, [Artist]
>       can :read, :all
>     end
>   end
> end
> In VideosController#index, I have:
>           <% if can? :update, song %>
>             <div class="interaction clearfix">
>               <%= link_to 'edit', '#' %>
>               <%= link_to 'delete', '#', :class => 'last' %>
>             </div>
>           <% end %>
> I get:
> undefined method `user' for :index:Symbol

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