Henrik wrote in post #949279:
> I'm upgrading my CMS app to rails 3, but some parts just don't get
> unescaped :-(:
> From application.html.erb:
>         <% for article in topplinker %>
>           <% nr = nr + 1 -%>
>           <%= text2html(article.ingress, article.cloth).html_safe %> #
> <----- Here it is!

It's really difficult to know exactly  what the problem is without 
seeing the code for text2html. You need to make sure the string 
generated inside of this method is marked html_safe in it's entirety. 
It's most likely too late to call html_safe where you're showing here. 
As a rule of thumb html_safe is generally used inside of a helper 
method, whereas the "raw" method is generally used inside the view 


<%=raw "<p>My HTML string I want displayed unescaped.</p>" %>

Here's a pretty nice article that goes into this in depth. Be sure to 
read the section near the end about using html_safe inside helper 


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