Rohan Deshpande wrote in post #955103:
> Photo_search.rb
> def
>    if !query.to_s.strip.empty?
>    find_by_sql(["select p.* from photos where #{ (["(lower(p.title) like
> ?
>    or lower(p.description) like ?)"] * tokens.size).
>    else
>       []
>    end
> end

Try to find a more direct approach to your search features. You should 
reserve find_by_sql as an absolute last resort. Rails provides an 
extensive and power query language and the Rails community has provided 
some really nice gems to help with more complex searches:

It might also be useful for you to try to explain your query in English. 
I could take the time to try to figure out what your code is supposed to 
do, but my time is valuable. I, as I'm sure others, would appreciate you 
take a little of your time to explain what you want instead of simply 
throwing the code into your post and making other decipher it. Just a 
suggestion, but the more clear your question the better help you will 
get from the community.

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