tashfeen.ekram wrote in post #957373:
> I am upgrading to rails 3 and afer diong so, none of my form_for are
> working. (I can not actually say not all of them are working but the
> few that i have tried are not). The page loads fine but the form is
> not output. This is after making the the change from <% to <%=. A
> sample form is below.
> <%= form_for @user_session, :url => user_session_path do |f| %>
>   Email <br/>
>   <%= text_field_tag :login %><br/>
>   Password <br/>
>   <%= f.password_field :password %><br/>
>   Remember Me
>   <%= f.check_box :remember_me %> <br/>
>   <%= f.submit "Login" %>
> <% end %>


In that case you need to use 'dynamic-form' plugin for rails3


This plugin can auto modify you syntax at runtime.

Good Luck ;)
-Ganesh K

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