turkan wrote in post #964900:
>> You can DRY it by putting it in a method.
> In what method should I put it that is visible in all models? In an
> extra lib class?


>> I also have to wonder why a _model_ is worrying about page number and 
>> per_page.
> I pass it to a model method that does some Sphinx search. What would
> be a better way? The search expression is so long, so I thought it
> would be good to keep it out of my controller (everybody says "keep
> your controller thin").

Then you probably want a separate model to talk to Sphinx, then call 
Sphinx.search(params[:criteria]) in your controller.  Or maybe you want 
a utility class to do this.  It really depends on the structure of your 

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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