pepe wrote:
I would like to know if there is a way to 'package' an application
with all the associated gems and ship it to a new server and having it
to "just work" in a Windows environment.
Many will dis it but I have found Instant Rails well suited to exactly that (if you have to work in windows). The latest version of Instant Rails is old and uses Rails 2.0 or so it can be upgraded using gems (look on this list for problems with that other have had) to at least 2.3. I do not know the score on 3.0 as I have not gotten there yet. IR integrates all of the stuff for ROR including Ruby, the db server (mysql) and mongrel (I think, if not you can install it using gem install) You can just freeze all of your gems and away you go.
Although I have never done it I know that Rails can be frozen into the
application. I am wondering if I can do the same thing with other
gems. I have found this ( that seems
to be what I need, although it's from 2007 and I was wondering if
anybody is using it and/or there are other or better alternatives.

Since I can't use RVM I have looked into Pik but that, I believe, will
not help me since it's a way to keep environments separate, not
'package' the application as I need it.

Also, would it be possible to include Ruby and Mongrel in the
'package'? That would be just great.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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