daze wrote in post #966672:
> What is the preferred way to have testing data - fixtures, or
> something like factory_girl (https://github.com/thoughtbot/
> factory_girl)?

Factories.  Never use fixtures, ever, for anything.

> I definitely need something that can handle relationships between
> things - for example, an article belongs to a section / a section has
> many articles.

If you had checked the documentation for Factory Girl and Machinist, you 
would know that they can do this.

> Also, how do people generally load seed data?  I know about rake
> db:seed...but do people generally load something (like fixtures) in
> the seeds.rb file instead of typing out all this stuff in there?
> There must be a clean way to handle all of this!

There is.  The seeds.rb file or the seed_fu plugin.

> I think I'm going to try factory_girl if no one has major objections...

Yes, do try that or Machinist.

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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