On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 9:11 AM, David Kahn <d...@structuralartistry.com>wrote:

> I am trying to do the following in a Test/Unit integration test using
> Capybara. Very basic Rails 3 app, Ruby 1.9.2 just with the pg and capybara
> gems, thats it.
> Everything works except that the Person object I create manually in the
> test does not show in the test database... or any other database I can find!
> But Person.all returns him, so he is getting created somewhere. Then, when
> Capybara/Selenium go to the browser which I have verified does hit the test
> database fine (through another test), I get an empty list of people on the
> index page.
> Capybara/Selenium have the Rails.env correct in terms of hitting the db
> correctly. The Test itself says Rails.env = "test", the data does not go
> into the test db. Where is the data getting saved? And how can I manually
> set up data in an Integration test before running Capybara? I thought maybe
> that Capybara was somehow triggering the database being emptied but the
> sequence below proves this is not the case:
>   def test_see_yoohoo
>     person = Person.new
>     person.name = "Yoohoo"
>     person.email = "yoo...@gmail.com"
>     assert person.save                     # passes
>     assert Person.find_by_name("Yoohoo")   # passes but in dbconsole
> "select * from people" in the test database (or dev database) returns no
> rows
>     assert_equal Rails.env, "test"     # passes
>     visit "/people"                                                  # page
> loads fine.... Capybara/Selenium working....
>     assert page.has_content?('Yoohoo')              # fails (page has empty
> list.... the list passes fine on another page so issue is not the view)
>     assert page.has_content?('yoo...@gmail.com')
>   end

TestUnit methods are wrapped in a transaction, with every transaction being
rollbacked after the method finishes.

You can set use_transactional_fixtures = false if you want to change this



Erol M. Fornoles

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