David Kahn wrote in post #968158:
> I am still trying to wrap my head around FG...

What's to wrap your head around?  All it does is create an object with 
some associations.  If you're finding it confusing, you're most likely 
overthinking it.

> can someone explain me
> why I
> am seemingly having to reload an object to have access to the correct
> association value which I updated since creating the object with FG.
> Here is
> an example (Factory below also):
> @person = Factory(:person)
> @person.addresses.size.should == 0
> address = Factory(:address)
> @person.add_address(address)

Does add_address save @person ?

Personally, I would do @person.addresses << address , which always seems 
to do the right thing.

> @person = Person.find(@person.id)   # if I dont do this I get the old
> value,
> 0, but if I reload I get the right value, 1.
> @person.addresses.size.should == 1
> @person.addresses[0].person_id.should == @person.id

You do know that, while this test is useful for getting to know Factory 
Girl, it is of no use for an actual application, right?  All it's doing 
is testing FG and AR functionality that's already well tested.

> Factory.define :person do |f|
>   f.first_name {"MyString"}
>   f.middle_name {"MyString"}
>   f.last_name {"MyString"}
> end
> Factory.define :address do |f|
>   f.person_id {1}
>   f.address {"MyString"}
>   f.zip {"94587"}
>   f.city {"MyString"}
>   f.state {"MyString"}
> end

I don't think you need to use blocks for constant values.

However, once you get FG working, I highly recommend using Faker to 
generate the data.

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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