Jesse wrote in post #968656:
> On 12/15/10 1:27 PM, Finne Jager wrote:
>> And both FireFighter and SafetyOfficer belongs_to :timesheet
>> The models both have timesheet_id fields as well.
> Theres the difference.
> Incident.first.timesheet.fire_fighters is an array of firefighter
> objects and thus you can append a new member to it.
> Incident.first.timesheet.safety_officer is a direct possession of a
> safety_officer object, so you are not appending a safety_officer to it,
> but rather adding its ID to a safety_officer_id column.
> So
> array << new_array_member would not work in this case.
> If there i to be only 1 safety_officer or a timesheet then the way you
> would want to create the association is to have a form for the timesheet
> in question that has the value of the safety_officer_id attribute set to
> the id of the safety_officer you want to associate to the time sheet.
> Submit and let rails do the work. It should glean that you are trying to
> update just the 1 attribute for that timesheet and trigger an update
> action on it.

I understand what I'm doing wrong. I don't have to append the 
SafetyOfficer at all, I just need to SET it because there can be only 
one SafetyOfficer.

Incident.first.timesheet.safety_officer = SafetyOfficer.last

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