Aston J. wrote in post #968740:
> I have a form for @topic that contains two fields, name(string)
> visible(boolean)
> When the user submits the form, I want to manipulate the contents of the
> attribute :name (which I am able to do - but it's the next part I'm
> stuck on)
> -and then-
> see if a record with the contents of :name already exists
> -if it already exists-
> I want to simple add my user association to it (which I can do by:
> current_user.topics << @topic)
> -if it does not exist-
> then I want to create it as normal
> This is so I don't end up with duplicate 'topics' in my DB.
> find_or_create_by_name(params:topic) doesn't seem to work...

Did you mean find_or_create_by_name(params[:topic][:name])?  And what do 
you mean by "doesn't seem to work"?  In general, it's best if you 
describe what happened as clearly as possible.

 are there
> any other ways to achieve this?
> (I'm a nube)
> Thanks in advance.

Marnen Laibow-Koser

Sent from my iPhone

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