Colin Law wrote in post #970496:
> On 24 December 2010 14:25, Marnen Laibow-Koser <>
> wrote:
>>> => #<BigDecimal:ad2b270,'0.99999999E0',8(20)>
>>> ruby-1.9.2-p0 > x*BigDecimal('3') == 1
>>> => false
>>> ruby-1.9.2-p0 > x*BigDecimal('3') - 1
>>> => #<BigDecimal:aa4fdf8,'-0.1E-7',4(20)>
>> Interesting. However, the BigDecimal constructor allows specification
>> of the minimum number of significant figures, so in this case we could
>> have done'1', 16).
> ruby-1.9.2-p0 > x ='1', 16)/'3',16)
>  => #<BigDecimal:a146bbc,'0.33333333E0',8(16)>
> ruby-1.9.2-p0 > x*BigDecimal('3',16) - 1
>  => #<BigDecimal:a114acc,'-0.1E-7',4(20)>
> It doesn't make any difference how many digits you have, 1/3 as a
> decimal number multiplied by 3 will never be equal to 1.

I'm aware of that, of course.  In this particular case, we could use a 
Rational to fix that.  But that won't necessarily work with arbitrary 
floating-point numbers...

...unless we recast them as Rationals and do all math that way.  Hmm.

> I am not sure why the above still gives only 8 digits accuracy
> however, I would have thought it aught to be 16.

Yeah, that's peculiar.  I'll have to run some tests.

(I can almost guarantee that Rubinius would get that one right, since I 
wrote most of the BigDecimal library at one time.  Don't know if they're 
still using it.)

> Colin

Marnen Laibow-Koser

Sent from my iPhone

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