On 29 December 2010 07:52, Geo Manickam <geo...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I am new to rails, coming from .net. I am having the issue for 1:1
> mapping nested model view the form will not render.
> I have the code below. note the address object is created. I dont see
> the label and text box. the person form render without any issue. the
> debug works outside the fields_for.
> Any help is appreciated
> thanks
> Geo
> Model
> ======
> class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
>  has_one :address
>  accepts_nested_attributes_for :address
> end
> class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
>  belongs_to :person
> end
> Controller
> ========
>  GET /people/new
>  # GET /people/new.xml
>  def new
>   �...@person  = Person.new
>   �...@address = @person.address = @person.build_address
>    respond_to do |format|
>      format.html # new.html.erb
>      format.xml  { render :xml => @person }
>    end
>  end
> View: _form.html.erb
> <%= form_for(@person) do |person_form| %>
>  <% if @person.errors.any? %>
>    <div id="error_explanation">
>      <h2><%= pluralize(@person.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited
> this person from being saved:</h2>s
>      <ul>
>      <% @person.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
>        <li><%= msg %></li>
>      <% end %>
>      </ul>
>    </div>
>  <% end %>
>  <div class="field">
>    <%= person_form.label :name %><br />
>    <%= person_form.text_field :name %>
>  </div>
>  <div class="field">
>    <%= person_form.label :email %><br />
>    <%= person_form.text_field :email %>
>  </div>
>  <div class="field">
>    <%= person_form.label :phone %><br />
>    <%= person_form.text_field :phone %>
>  </div>
> <h1>outside</h1>
>  <%= debug(@person.address.attributes) %>
>  <%= debug(@person.address) %>
>  <% person_form.fields_for �...@address  do |address_form| %>

I think that should be :address not @address, it specifies the
association to use.


>  <h1>inside form</h1>
>        <div class="field">
>            <%= address_form.label :addressline1 %><br />
>            <%= address_form.text_field :addressline1 %>
>          </div>
>        <div class="field">
>            <%= address_form.label :addressline2 %><br />
>            <%= address_form.text_field :addressline2 %>
>          </div>
>  <% end %>
>  <div class="actions">
>    <%= person_form.submit %>
>  </div>
> <% end %>
> --
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