Colin Law wrote in post #973049:
> On 6 January 2011 22:33, Sawan T. <> wrote:
>>> rails_2.3.5 script/whatever
>>> But the smart money is on RVM.
>>> Walter
>> Thanks Walter for your reply, I used the syntax rails_2.3.5
>> script/console nothing happened. Then I tried to see the rails version
>> by using rails -v and it gave me 3.0.3... is there anyway that I can
>> have the app use verson 2.3.5
> I absolutely agree with another poster who said you should use rvm
> (Ruby Version Manager).  This lets you separate out the sets of gems
> (including Rails) that an app should use so that it is not confused by
> other versions of gems on the system.
> Colin

"Hi Everyone.. I appreciate everyone for helping me out in this issue. I 
was googling  and found that the rails version in the application is 
2.3.5 will use the syntax "ruby script\console"... Walter was close to 
help me out on this but instead of rails script\whatever its ruby 
script\whatever... I had to deal with another issue as the 
script\console.rb file in the app script folder was not being found and 
this is because the file console.rb line 2 should be changed from
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/boot' to
require File.expand_path('../../config/boot', __FILE__).. should be same 
with the server.rb too. In order to run or start the server on your 
use ruby script\server webrick for webrick server or ruby script\server 
Sawan "

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