Adam Ms. wrote in post #975741:
> Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote in post #975678:
>> I suspect you are wrong.  Linux is a great server OS, but most Rails
>> developers I know (myself included) prefer Mac OS (which is BSD, not
>> Linux) as a desktop environment.
>> Best,
>> -- 
>> Marnen Laibow-Koser
>> Sent from my iPhone
> Absolutely! If you need training wheels go with the Apple OS.

It's not a question of training wheels.  I can use Linux just fine on 
the desktop.  I don't enjoy it, so I don't do it.

> When you are ready, reward yourself. Install and develop on the same
> Linux distro that you will be deploying to.

I don't consider using desktop Linux instead of Mac OS a "reward".  And 
I've never had a compatibility issue between my Darwin dev environment 
and my Ubuntu servers.  That just doesn't happen in my experience.

> More bang for your buck. Fewer surprises. Less to learn. It’s the
> future, now.
> Ubuntu 10.10 on my servers, desktop, and notebook!
> It’s just better(TM).

If I thought it were better, believe me, I'd be using it.  But I don't. 
>From a UI perspective alone, I'd almost sooner use Windows. :P

> (Not sent from my Droid)
> :-)

Marnen Laibow-Koser

Sent from my iPhone

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