On Jan 18, 11:20 pm, James Byrne <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Michael Pavling wrote in post #975879:

> > You could use the "group_by" method for collections, and select the
> > first off each group - that saves you doing a query per client, at the
> > cost of doing one large query and a load of Ruby iteration.
> >   Client.all.group_by(&:client_category).map(&:first)
> Could you explain the '&:' idiom to me?  I cannot seem to find any
> examples of it by googling.

foo(&:bar) is basically short hand for foo {|f| f.bar}. You'll
probably get more google hits by searching for Sym to_proc

> > At the end of the day, you're in the realms of doing some fudging to
> > get the data out you're after (as you've discovered), as you're not
> > doing something that's a natural fit for the DB or ORM. Sorry if
> > that's not massively helpful... just letting you know we feel your
> > pain.
> Thanks. Misery shared is misery lessened.
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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