On Feb 1, 10:23 pm, "Anthony M." <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Hello All -
>            This is my first post into this forum and somewhat of a newb
> to RoR so I'm hoping someone can help.  I currently have a RoR app that
> runs on Ubuntu with Apache and Mysql. There are two issues I'm having
> and they are causing me to bang my head against the wall.
> First one is RAILS_ENV: If I run ruby script/console it says that my
> environment is development however if I run RAILS_ENV it says
> production.  I'm trying to find a way to permanently keep the
> environment set to production either through the environment.rb or some
> other method.  I do have the RAILSENV production set in the VHost but it
> seems as if that conflicts with the output of ruby script/console.  If I
> run export RAILS_ENV=production before running ruby script/console it
> comes back in production mode up until I log of the shell and come back
> in.  Is there a way to permanently set the environment to production
> without having to do RAILS_ENV=production everytime I need to do a rake
> task?
RailsEnv in the Vhost only affects what passenger does (I assume you
are using passenger). You should be able to add something to
your .profile (or .bash_profile etc. depending on your shell) that

> Seconde Question:  For all of our development, we have been running the
> app via port 80 and all has worked fine.  Now I need to implement SSL so
> I got a certificate from a CA and installed it without any problems.
> However when I bring up the application in a browser, the application
> doesn't seem like it connects to MySQL.

Is it definitely serving content from your app and not from some other

 The page loads and I see the
> security lock but the menue (which is derived from MySQL) doesn't load.
> I have successfully made sure that the rails app can connect to MySQL
> via command line by running ActiveRecord::Base.connection via the
> console and it connects using the mysql socket.  The MySQL is running on
> the same server as the app so no outside connection is needed. If I
> change my VHost back to port 80, everything runs correctly and it
> connects to the db. I've looked into the logs for the app and notice
> that even though I connect using https:// the app logs show http:.  I
> know SSL is working correctly in Apache because I can put up a plain
> jane webiste using SSL and it comes up but when using this app
> connecting to MySQL and https I get errors like "null could not be
> retrieved:Send Failed" and "menuModule could not be retrieved:Send
> Failed".  Looking at the MySQL logs, I can see that it tries to connect
> using user@localhost on db which is all correct.
> Things I have tried or looked through:
> *confirmed connection to db using command line
> *confirmed the database.yml file is correct because when on port 80
> everything works fine
> *checked the my.cnf to confirm no skip networking and tried to bind to
> loopback address and local IP and still nothing.  Again this only
> happens with SSL.
> * Tried setting up apache using both <virtualhost *:443> and
> <virtualhost IP:443> and still same issue.
> *One issue I have experienced is that sometimes apache serves up a page
> but the data comes from a different database. I've checked and double
> checked my VHost files to confirm everything is correct so I don't know
> if this is a RoR issue or Apache issue or MySQL issue.  Any help is
> appreciated.
> <virtualhost *:443>
>   SSLEngine On
>   SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/domain.com.crt
>   SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/domain.key
>   ServerAdmin admin@localhost
>   ServerName  test.domain.com
>   DocumentRoot /home/sysadmin/projects/App/public
>   <directory /home/sysadmin/projects/App/public>
>     Options FollowSymLinks
>     AllowOverride None
>     RAILSENV production
>   </directory>
>   ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
>   <directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin">
>     AllowOverride None
>     Options ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
>     Order allow,deny
>     Allow from all
>   </directory>
>   ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
>   # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
>   # alert, emerg.
> LogLevel warn
>   CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
>   ServerSignature On
>   Alias /doc/ "/usr/share/doc/"
>   <directory "/usr/share/doc/">
>     Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
>     AllowOverride None
>     Order deny,allow
>     Deny from all
>     Allow from ::1/128
>   </directory>
> </virtualhost>
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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