I told you: it is a method of capistrano.
set sets the value, fetch gets it
Follow my first link and read the chapter "Variables" ...
Or look here https://github.com/capistrano/capistrano/wiki/2.x-DSL-Configuration-Variables-Fetch Or look here https://github.com/capistrano/capistrano/blob/master/lib/capistrano/configuration/variables.rb

On 02/02/11 17:57, Erwin wrote:
Thanks ,  you're right, :db_file is defined, and the line runs well...
my concern was about the 'fetch'  function   which returns a string..
it seems to return the second string argument if the first is not
defined ...
but is it a Ruby function or a Rails function ....
I know a   anArray.fetch( aString)  but not this one ....

On 2 fév, 16:07, Bente Pieck<bente.pi...@tu-dortmund.de>  wrote:
Is this part of a capistrano script?

so then it uses the value in deploy.rb where
set :db_file
is defined.

(Perhaps look 

Otherwise I would imply you should give some more information about the
type of script you are looking at.

On 02/02/11 15:22, Erwin wrote:

I am looking at a ruby script and testing it...
I don't fully understand the following line of code :
database = YAML::load_file("config/#{fetch(:db_file,
=>      fetch(:db_file, 'database.yml')   ...    what's is this function
fetch() ?
I know  the fetch(key, *extras) in ActiveSupport, but this is not the
case.... any suggestion ?
best regards
Bente Pieck

best regards
Bente Pieck

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