Yeah, I was only allowing POST and GET on that route, Rails was
looking for a PUT because the object user was not new.


On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 12:28 AM, Jim Ruther Nill <> wrote:
> since the routes match exactly, I think the problem is in the method.  I
> haven't used simple_form yet so I don't know what it does
> but you should check if it sets the method to PUT for existing records.
> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 8:17 AM, jm <> wrote:
>> Original from here: Rails 3 route problem
>> Hello,
>> After solving the other problem with routes , now I have another one.
>> I have this route in my routes.rb:
>> match "user/create_new_password/:reset_password_key"
>> =>"users#create_new_password", :via=>[:post, :get],
>> :as=>:create_new_password
>> I can test it in my functional tests like this:
>> test "should create new password " do
>>    post :create_new_password,
>> {:user=>{:password=>"123456", :password_confirmation=>"123456"},
>> :reset_password_key=>user.reset_password_key}
>> end
>> In my view, I have the following form:
>> =simple_form_for @user, :url=>create_new_password_path do |f|
>> =f.input :password, :label=>I18n.t("")
>> =f.input :password_confirmation,
>> :label=>I18n.t("activerecord.attributes.user.password_confirmation")
>>    =f.submit I18n.t "activerecord.actions.user.create_new_password"
>> When I submit the form, I get:
>> No route matches "/user/create_new_password/
>> OqQxYTgjYKxXgvbAsTsWtMnIpMOpsjCRzLGZmJZLSbYtjvcvdpO"
>> The big string, is the reset_password_key.
>> I have tested it in functional tests with the same value for
>> reset_password_key.
>> The relevant output for rake routes is:
>> create_new_password POST|GET /user/
>> create_new_password/:reset_password_key(.:format)
>> {:controller=>"users", :action=>"create_new_password"}
>> I'm missing something...
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João Miguel Pereira

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