
I have an issue with my implementation of a feature which need to use a
Model find statement to lookup values based on specific conditions:

I have a method called 'get_messages' which needs to get values from the
database depending on the called scope.  So,
'Messages.inbox.get_messages', needs to only return values from the
database if the :recipient field in the database matches a current
session variable.

I tried this: (In my model)

  scope :inbox, :conditions => {:recipient => @sessionId}
  scope :sent, :conditions => {:sender => @sessionId}
  def self.get_messages
    messages = find(:all, :order => 'id desc')
    return messages

then calling: (in controller)
messages = Messages.inbox.get_messages

messages = Messages.sent.get_messages

...but having the Model inherit the class variable from my controller
goes against the concepts of MVC.

Is there a way that I can achieve this without having to create multiple
methods in my Model to do the different conditional statements which I

I.e. NOT Having to make a method which is called get_inbox_messages and
get_sent_messages and then having the relevant recipient = or sender =
conditional statements in each one.


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