On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 12:09 PM, Aegorov Egorov <li...@ruby-forum.com>wrote:

> In my app i  have word model, words_controller and want create new
> action for word model.
> I create  new method 'test' in words_controller, and adds:
> resources :words do
>    member do
>      put 'test'
>    end
>  end
> in routes.rb
> my rake routes output:
> test_word PUT    /words/:id/test(.:format) {:action=>"test",
> :controller=>"words"}
>       words GET    /words(.:format)          {:action=>"index",
> :controller=>"words"}
>             POST   /words(.:format)          {:action=>"create",
> :controller=>"words"}
>    new_word GET    /words/new(.:format)      {:action=>"new",
> :controller=>"words"}
>   edit_word GET    /words/:id/edit(.:format) {:action=>"edit",
> :controller=>"words"}
>        word GET    /words/:id(.:format)      {:action=>"show",
> :controller=>"words"}
>             PUT    /words/:id(.:format)      {:action=>"update",
> :controller=>"words"}
>             DELETE /words/:id(.:format)      {:action=>"destroy",
> :controller=>"words"}
>     session POST   /session(.:format)        {:action=>"create",
> :controller=>"sessions"}
>  new_session GET    /session/new(.:format)    {:action=>"new",
> :controller=>"sessions"}
> edit_session GET    /session/edit(.:format)   {:action=>"edit",
> :controller=>"sessions"}
>             GET    /session(.:format)        {:action=>"show",
> :controller=>"sessions"}
>             PUT    /session(.:format)        {:action=>"update",
> :controller=>"sessions"}
>             DELETE /session(.:format)        {:action=>"destroy",
> :controller=>"sessions"}
>       login        /login(.:format)          {:action=>"new",
> :controller=>"sessions"}
>      logout        /logout(.:format)         {:action=>"destroy",
> :controller=>"sessions"}
>        root        /(.:format)               {:action=>"index",
> :controller=>"words"}
> But when i'm going to something like http://localhost:3000/words/22/test
> i'm get error
> Routing Error
> No route matches "/words/22/test"
> Why? what am I doing wrong?
Your route specifies PUT... but when you go to "/words/22/test" in the
browser, that's a GET request. So no, it's not going to match. You could
either change the route to respond to a GET request, or add a button or link
that visits it via a PUT request.

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