I want to ask about Eclipse specifically. Im using this editor for daily pro
C/C++ development, but in free time im playing with Rails for personal use.
Ive looked over the internet for Rails plugins for eclipse and found 2 leads

- easyeclipse  for ruby on rails distribution - looks pretty outdated (its
based on eclipse 3.2), it can't event make a new project on rails 3
- aptana radrails 2 - pretty decent and mature project and still under
active development,

I rly dont have anything against Aptana RadRails, but there is one thing
that pisses me off, im forced to use their IDE (called Aptana Studio) which
is basicly classic eclipse, just with their plugins equiped (at least looks
like it at first glance) - and its silly to have same two expandable IDEs.

Im wondering if there is any way to install this stuff as plugins in classic
eclipse distribution (google returning some outdated info, not very useful)


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