On Feb 25, 2011, at 10:35 PM, LegacyUSA wrote:

My goal is to develop a small prototype using ruby: I want to program as
little as possible in whatever database linguo the database uses.

In that case, I would just use the SQLite that you get for free when you start any Rails project without specifying a database engine. That's going to be completely fine for any demo, I've even deployed with it for very low-volume sites.

To be clear, Rails does not require you to be database-specific unless you get out into the weeds of a project -- one that's "off the rails" by definition. You will specify the structure of your database using migrations, written in Ruby, and you'll be using those to talk (through the database adapter du jour) to your actual database engine. You're always working at least one level of abstraction away from the actual database engine in any case, because the adapters mediate requests (except for find_by_sql) and work around differences in primary key structures etc.

As far as I know, Filemaker can talk to SQL databases, and can do some import-y things in the reverse direction, but it's not specifically SQL inside. It has its own language and storage engine, unrelated to SQL, and can't be interrogated through SQL. This last part is from memory, I have not looked at the specs in at least a couple of years.


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