Ok, so I've been trying to make this thing work for a couple of days now 
without luck. I am just tarting to think that what I want to do is not 
possible. The associations that I am trying to describe are:

has_many :groups
has_many :users
belongs_to :admin, :class_name => "User"
belongs_to :default_group, :class_name => "Group"

validates_presence_of :company_name, :max_users, :email
after_create :create_default_admin_and_group

belongs_to :account
belongs_to :role
has_and_belongs_to_many :groups

validates_presence_of :first_name
before_create :account_max_users?
before_validation :generate_node_token, :if => "node_token.blank?"
before_validation :ensure_authentication_token, :if => 
before_destroy :is_group_admin?
before_destroy :is_account_admin?

has_many :users

validates_presence_of :name
validates_uniqueness_of :name

belongs_to :admin, :class_name => "User"
belongs_to :account
has_and_belongs_to_many :users
validates_presence_of :name
validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => :account_id

The most complicated association is the one between Account and Users, and 
Account and Groups. The thing is that an Account has many users and groups 
(each of them has account_id attribute), but at the same time, and account 
belongs to an User (which is the admin of the account) and belongs to a 
Group (which is the default group of the account). 

Right now, what I'm trying to do is to create an Account, so that will call 
the create_default_admin_and_group method which is basically something like 

  def *create_default_admin_and_group*
    role = Role.find_or_create_by_name("Admin")

    admin = self.create_admin(:ebmail      => email, 
                              :first_name => company_name, 
                              :password   => generate_random_password, 
                              :role       => role)

    self.build_default_group(:name   => company_name,
                             :admin  => admin)

It should create an "Admin" role if it doesn't exist yet and then create the 
admin (User class) of the account. Before creating the admin the 
account_max_users method is executed in order to know if we can add more 
users to the account. The problem comes here:

def *account_max_users?*

This method should call the max_users? method from the Account model which 
is something like:

def *max_users?*
   self.users.count == self.max_users

where max_users is an attribute of an account, but for some weird reason 
self.account is nil in the account_max_users? method. It looks like the 
following code:

admin = self.create_admin(:email      => email, 
                              :first_name => company_name, 
                              :password   => generate_random_password, 
                              :role       => role)

doesn't seem to set role_id and account_id correctly. I've checked that 
printing out the object just before "!self.account.max_users?" is executed 
and this is the result:

#<User:0x00000103ce97e0> {
                      :id => nil,
                   :email => "compan...@company-1.com",
      :encrypted_password => 
           :password_salt => "$2a$10$KjaFu/fTqajr/f650oJ/q.",
    :reset_password_token => nil,
          :remember_token => nil,
     :remember_created_at => nil,
           :sign_in_count => 0,
      :current_sign_in_at => nil,
         :last_sign_in_at => nil,
      :current_sign_in_ip => nil,
         :last_sign_in_ip => nil,
    :authentication_token => "XYxHY0eC8GHJg-pbp3CB",
              :created_at => nil,
              :updated_at => nil,
              :node_token => "dd4f30ae8641d441bd666f03b4a653d6",
              :first_name => "Company-1",
               :last_name => nil,
*              :account_id => nil,*
*                 :role_id => nil*

Is there any reason why this is happening? Are those associations correct? 
Am I doing something wrong? 

Thanks in advance.

I'm using Rails 3.0.5 and Ruby 1.9.2-head. If you need any other information 
just tell me. 

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