Thanks Bryan...

On 12 March 2011 14:44, Bryan Crossland <> wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 11:29 AM, nishant nigam 
> <>wrote:
>> Bryan i did those changes ...i dont know how to change the main uploader
>> code from where the file will upload..
>  Everything is explained right in the documentation. If you installed fog
> and have an Amazon S3 account to provide as the fog credentials and fog
> directory then following the below steps in the documentation is easy. From
> the Carrierwave documentation (
> Using Amazon S3
> Fog <> is used to support Amazon S3. Ensure
> you have it installed:
>     gem install fog
>  You’ll need to provide your fog_credentials and a fog_directory (also
> known as a bucket) in an initializer. You can also pass in additional
> options, as documented fully in lib/storage/fog.rb. Here’s a full example:
>     CarrierWave.configure do |config|
>       config.fog_credentials = {
>         :provider               => 'AWS',       # required
>         :aws_access_key_id      => 'xxx',       # required
>         :aws_secret_access_key  => 'yyy',       # required
>         :region                 => 'eu-west-1'  # optional, defaults to 
> 'us-east-1'
>       }
>       config.fog_directory  = 'name_of_directory'                     # 
> required
>       config.fog_host       = ''            # 
> optional, defaults to nil
>       config.fog_public     = false                                   # 
> optional, defaults to true
>       config.fog_attributes = {'Cache-Control'=>'max-age=315576000'}  # 
> optional, defaults to {}
>     end
>  In your uploader, set the storage to :fog
>     class AvatarUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
>       storage :fog
>     end
>  That’s it! You can still use the CarrierWave::Uploader#url method to
> return the url to the file on Amazon S3.
>> and i also need to write the rspec test cases for the same..
> You will need to write them yourself. That is the job you accepted for the
> client you are doing the work for. If you have errors in your tests or
> errors when they run feel free to post the error you are getting to the
> group for help in debugging.
> B.
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*T**hanks and Regards*
Nishant Nigam
"Destiny is not a matter of chance,
it is a matter of choice;
it is not a thing to be waited for,
it is a thing to be achieved."

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