On Mar 13, 11:42 am, Erwin <yves_duf...@mac.com> wrote:
> In the controller , I am passing an Array as a collection
>  @objects = ["item1", "item2", "item3", "item4"]
> in the view I wrote
> %table#objects
>     = render :partial => 'object',  :collection => @objects
> and in my partial  _object.html
> = content_tag_for(:tr, @object) do
>         %td= @object
>         %td= link_to........
> but I got an error :  undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class
> for the #object in the content_tag
> @object is not not a class..... (yet)  I  just to want to test on an
> Array of string ....  anyway of doing such thing ?

@object isn't set - you should be using object (since that's what
render will be filling with the items from @objects


> thanks for your feedback

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